Skulls models
Skulls models

Problem – communication with a client

In case of animal’s sickness it is significant to understand by the owner the nature of the problem and the condition itself and its treatment. It is common that doctors find it difficult to explain medical matters due to their complexity. During conversations with their client, doctors use aids in form of handmade drawings or X-ray and CT scans. However, some of these are not legible and comprehensible for clients.

Animals exposed to many diseases and problems resulting from the structure of their skull are dogs of brachycephalic breeds that are getting more and more popular. Unfortunately not every person deciding to get this type of a dog is aware of the health problems resulting from the structure of their skull. Brachycephalic skulls of dogs are characterised by short and flattened muzzle, which distinguishes itself through short and square skull structure. In brachycephalic dogs we can distinguish many imperfections in the structure of nasal cavity, palate, dentition and eye sockets structure. Prognathism occurs very often, which hinders dogs from chewing food and eating. Equally common are difficulties in breathing and snoring caused by flattened , narrow and shortened nasal cavities. Very common is also respiratory failure syndrome, resulting directly from deeply modified head structure, shortened snout, rounded cranium and the structure of a palate and trachea.

Brachycephalic breeds are less tolerant to high temperatures and stress. Such skull structure predisposes them to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases and problems with dentition. In such dogs we can frequently observe heavy breathing, snoring, a tendency to dyspnea and lowered physical capacity. All these characteristics result from a particular structure of upper respiratory tract and may intensify during high temperatures, stress and in advanced age. These breeds have also neurological conditions caused by the structure of the cranium. Further health problems of these breeds result from prominent, shallow-set eyes and big size of eyeballs. These dogs frequently suffer from cornea damage, ulcerative keratitis, conjunctivitis arida or keratopathy.

The most common occuring brachycephalic breeds conditions are:

  • shortening of soft palate,
  • trachea stenosis,
  • larynx cartilage fracture,
  • lachrymal ducts occlusion,
  • entropion, when an eyelid folds inward,
  • eyeball prolapse,
  • nictitating membrane inflammation
  • persistent deciduous teeth,
  • abnormal positioning of teeth in mandible and jaw


In connection to multiple conditions occurring in large dogs breeds, their owners have to take great care of their animals’ health. Animals affected by brachycephalic syndrome have to be treated conservatively – by medicines or properly – surgically. In such situation it is crucial for the owner of an animal to precisely understand causes of their animal’s bad health condition. In a conversation with a client it is very helpful for veterinary doctors to use educational aids in form of anatomical printouts. Our anatomical models of skulls were developed on the basis of computed tomography examinations. They are made in 3D printing technology of very durable and robust material.

In our range we also have skulls of healthy cats and rabbits, that allow doctors’ to confront anatomical structure of a sick animal with a healthy one.


Using three-dimensional anatomical models while talking to a client greatly facilitates the educational process. Thanks to the model, the doctor can point to elements of the skull structure causing animal’s diseases and simultaneously compare the brachycephalic skull structure with a skull of a dog of mesocephalic or dolichocephalic breeds, that do not have such ailments.

Printed 3D skulls also have an advantage over natural bones because of their much higher endurance and longtime durability. Contact with 3D printout is also much more comfortable for a large part of clients. Out models come also in the form of divided into two and joined by magnets, which also allows presenting the internal structure of the skull.

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